There is a good chance you may find information about your ancestors in the Stavanger city archives.
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Familieportrett fra ca. 1910-1920. Fotograf: Hakon Johannessen.
The most popular documents, such as censuses, address books, magistrate archives and registers, are published at the sites listed.
Other documents are kept in the House of Archives, such as:
- Information about income and taxes
- Records of relief services for the poor
- Records of health services, midwife protocols, other birth forms
- Electoral rolls, containing printed lists of citizens with the right to vote
- "Bygdebøker"; local history and genealogy records
The reading rooms are located at the House of Archives, Richard Johnsens street no. 12, 4012 Stavanger. Opening hours are Monday-Friday from 9 AM - 3 PM and Wednesdays from 9 AM - 7 PM.
If you are going to put in an effort to find out about your genealogy, we recommend you participate in a class that teaches you how to use source material. “Slekt og data” – Family and information – hosts such classes.