- Joint fireworks will be set off at nine locations in Stavanger municipality on New Year's Eve. Welcome!
- It is forbidden to use fireworks in built-up areas, in marinas and other places with flammable material.
- The ban also applies to the entire center of Stavanger and the wooden housing development in the city.
- You must not use fireworks in nature when the grass is dry.
Fireworks in Stavanger
In short:
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Joint fireworks in nine locations
Welcome to joint fireworks for young and old! At midnight on New Year's Eve, the launch takes place at nine different locations in the municipality:
- Vågen in central Stavanger
- Judaberg
- Vikevåg
- Madlatua
- Kiwi track at Hundvåg
- Varden
- Byhaugen
- Vålandstårnet
- Jåttåvågen
The launch in Vågen and Judaberg takes place from barges in the fjord, due to fire safety. Also for the sake of agriculture and livestock.
Professional pyrotechnicians are responsible for the launch. They also provide guards.
There is no occasion to set off private fireworks where people gather in common really. The launch site itself is blocked off.
With communal fireworks, there has been less launch of private fireworks, and with it fewer injuries and fires following unreasonable use of fireworks.
Prohibition of fireworks in built-up areas
In principle, it is not permitted to light fireworks in built-up areas, i.e. ordinary urban and residential areas.
A special ban applies to the wooden house town in Stavanger, an area comprising 8,000 wooden houses between Kalhammaeren in the north, Hillevåg in the south, Eiganes in the west and Storhaug in the east.
In the prohibition zone is the center of Stavanger, the entire built-up part of Storhaug, Våland, Hillevåg to Sandvikveien and east of Svend Foyns gate, parts of Bekkefaret, Mosvatnet, Eiganes to E39, Veste plateau and Misjonsmarka to Lyngveien at Byhaugen, Kalhammeren to Stemmen and Grasholmen.
Private launch of fireworks
Private, approved fireworks can be set off by people over 18 on New Year's Eve between 18.00 and 02.00. Read more about the regulations on the handling of explosives.
The fireworks must not be used in nature when the vegetation is dry. Nor where it is forbidden to use fireworks, as mentioned above.
Report dangerous use of fireworks
If you want to report dangerous use of fireworks, contact the police on phone 02800.
If there is a risk of fire, life and health, use the emergency numbers:
- Fire: 110
- Police: 112
- Ambulance: 113
Alternative to fireworks
Stavanger municipality investigated in 2022 the possibility of testing out a quieter and more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fireworks. Committee for environment and development decided not to try out an alternative light and sound show. The reason was high costs and uncertain environmental benefits.