The satellite emergency room helps when there are situations that can't wait till the next working day
Call 113 for serious and life-threatening injuries and acute illnesses
Call the satellite emergency room at 116 117 if its urgent to get help with illness or injuries. We help you assess whether you should come to the satellite emergency room. We also provide advice and guidance on the phone.
You must pay a deductible for treatment in the emergency room.
Pursuant to section 13e of akuttmedisinforskriften (the Emergency Medicine Regulations), audio recordings are made of all calls. The audio recording is considered part of the patient's medical record and is stored for three years after the recording date before it is deleted. The admission is not deleted if it is included in case processing or has value as documentation for other reasons in accordance with akuttmedisinforskriften §20.
Sexual assault
If you have been sexually assaulted, call 0047 51 51 02 02 or 0047 902 40 200.
We answer questions and do medical examinations. We can also help you contact a lawyer and secure evidence if you want to report the incident to the police. We are under an agreement of confidentiality and non-disclosure, and the help is free.
Need someone to talk to?
If you have had an experience that makes it difficult for you to function in everyday life, you can call the emergency room and make an appointment with a psychiatric nurse. (NB! We currently only offer conversations with a psychiatric nurse to patients who have been examined at or are in contact with us through the sexual assault center. In case of urgent need, the emergency room can be contacted for a conversation with a doctor).
In an acute psychosocial crisis, the psychosocial counseling unit can be contacted at 0047 51 51 02 02. The psychosocial counseling unit can help you with suicides, accidents, crises, and disasters.
We are under an agreement of confidentiality and non-disclosure, and the help is free.
What you take to the emergency room
The emergency room does not have access to your medical record from the hospital, GP, or others.
You must bring identification, an overview of regular medicines, relevant medical documents (reports from hospitals or similar) and eventually healthcare exemption card.
When you get to the emergency room
Contact the staff at the entrance immediately if you are critically injured or seriously ill. Otherwise, take a queue ticket. When your number appears in the display in the waiting room, you can talk to the nurse in a separate reception room. The nurse assesses with you whether a doctor's consultation is necessary.
Waiting time
All patients are prioritised according to medical criteria. The nurse in the satellite emergency room assesses which degree of urgency you belong to.
You must pay a deductible for treatment at the emergency room. You must also pay for bandages, medications and other equipment that is used.
For people with a healthcare exemption card, children under the age of sixteen, people who have their first service in the military, and pregnant women having a consultation related to the pregnancy, the consultation itself is free. You will still have to pay for bandages, medications and other equipment used.
The emergency room has a payment machine in the waiting room. It is possible to pay in cash at the payment machine at the satellite emergency room at Våland. It is also possible to get an invoice or pay via mobile phone.
If you leave the emergency room without paying, an invoice will be sent by SMS or by post, if it is sent by post, an invoice fee will be charged.
If you have questions regarding payment / invoice, please contact our partner Convene on telephone 0047 21 62 73 20 or via the contact form: Contact us - Convene
Patients who are supervised by a doctor in an ambulance and driven directly to the hospital are sent an invoice afterwards. Our doctors show up together with the ambulance in the event of a serious illness or accident.
Home visits
Exceptionally, the doctor may do home visits. This is only relevant if it is considered medically necessary. During the day, contact your GP.
Feedback and complaints
If you are not satisfied with the treatment you receive, we are happy to hear from you. The complaint should be in writing. Send it by e-mail to: The people who respond to e-mails are not healthcare professionals.
You can also send feedback in the mail to this address:
Stavanger legevakt ved legevaktsjefen
Postboks 8095 Forus
4068 Stavanger
You can complain to the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision in Rogaland or contact the Patient Ombudsman.
Map, address, and parking
Stavanger legevakt
Armauer Hansensvei 30
4011 Stavanger
There is a parking meter on the outside of the building. check the sign. There are ten minutes of free parking at the signposted car park if you are in a rush.