Do you need someone to talk to?
Many people are afraid and worried to the extent that it may affect their mental health.
Information in other languages
If this applies to you, there are several emergency phone services where you can call:
- Kirkens SOS-telefon (external website) (telephone: 22 40 00 40)
- Hjelpetelefonen - Mental Helse (external website) (telephone 116 123)
- Kors på Halsen – Røde Kors (external website) (telephone 80 03 33 21)
- Oppsporingstjenesten - Røde Kors (external website) (telephone 22 05 40 00)
- Unge pårørende – for barn og unge mellom 7 og 18 år (external website)
- Pårørendesenteret (external website) (telephone 90 90 48 48