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Apply for kindergarden


You may apply a kindergarten placement all year. Below is a link to an application form to both private and public kindergartens. You may also apply for a transfer to another kindergarten.

15th of August marks the beginning of a new kindergarten year. If you want a placement by this date you must apply prior to the 1st of March deadline. Later applications will provide a placement as soon as one is available.

Click here to apply for kindergarten. The link will open in a new window.

Information in other languages

What is a kindergarten?

Kindergartens in Norway are private and public institutions for children aged 1 to 5. In the kindergarten your child will experience personal development, new friendships, play, fun and learning. Emotional and social development are the most important aspects of kindergarten.

Application process

Applying for kindergarten is digital process only. When applying you can choose four kindergartens and list your priorities (1 to 4). Applications sent prior to the the 1st of March deadline will provide a placement to 15th of August. Later applications will yield a placement as soon as one is available.

Change or resign your kindergarten placement

You may apply for a transfer to a new kindergarten. When a placement is available in one of your chosen kindergartens you will recieve a transfer offer. 

If you want to resign a kindergarten placement, you can do it here. Opens in a new window. Only the parent listed as parent number 1 in the application system that can resign the placement.

Important information

When will you be informed of your placement?

Most applicants to the 1 March deadline get a response by late March or early April. All applicants to this deadline will be informed by the 1st of June. If you apply after March 1st you will get a response as soon as a placement is available.


You may complain if you disagree or is not satisfied with the kindergarten placement you have been given. From the date you recieve the offer you have 3 weeks to send in a formal complaint.

You may send your complain to this e-mail address.