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  1. Home
  2. Waste and Environment
  3. Waste sorting in Stavanger
  4. Glass waste & packaging

Glass waste & packaging


  • Households in Stavanger, Rennesøy, Åmøy, Finnøy, and Talgje can have a seperate bin with an orange lid for glass and metal packaging.
  • This waste can also be delivered at return points for glass and metal packaging or at recycling stations.
  • Small glass items can be thrown in the residual waste.
  • Larger glass items should be delivered to one of IVAR's recycling stations.

Information in other languages

Tomme, rene glassbeholdere og -flasker.

What do you sort as glass waste and packaging?

  • Jam jars, glass bottles, and glass containers for skincare products should be sorted as glass packaging. Rinse away food and cream residues.
  • Cups, mugs, ceramics, mirrors, and similar items should be thrown in the residual waste.
  • Large items such as windows and mirrors should be delivered to one of IVAR's recycling stations.

Where can you deliver glass waste and packaging?

Your own bin for metal and glass packaging

Place glass and metal packaging in your bin with the orange lid. If you don’t have your own bin for glass and metal packaging, you can order one here at no extra cost (page is in Norwegian).

When your bin is nearly full, you can order free collection at hentavfall.no and place it by the roadside on the collection day you are given.

You can fill the bin to a maximum of 50 kilograms. It is important not to break the glass packaging to fit more. Instead, order emptying when needed.

Deliver to a return point

If you don’t have your own bin for this type of waste, you can deliver glass and metal packaging at several recycling points

  • Kyviksmarka (underground container)
  • Alti Tasta (underground container)
  • Amfi Madla (underground container)
  • Hillevåg torg (surface container)
  • Rema1000 Forus (surface container)
  • Hundvågkrossen (surface container)
  • Eiganes gravlund (surface container)
  • Judaberg recycling station (surface container)
  • Hausken recycling station (surface container)

Deliver to a recycling station

Large items such as windows and mirrors should be delivered to one of IVAR's recycling stations.

Reusable items

Items that are still usable can be donated or delivered for reuse.

What happens to the glass you sort?

After the glass and metal packaging is collected from recycling points or households, it is sent to one of the world’s most modern recycling facilities in Fredrikstad.

The sorted glass packaging is sold to glass factories in Europe, where it is melted down to create new products such as:

  • New glass packaging
  • Glass bottles
  • Jam jars

The smallest glass fragments are used to make Glasopor, which is used for insulation in houses/roads and in building blocks. In this way, 100% of the sorted glass is recycled into new materials.

Sorting other types of waste?

Go to the overview of how to sort and deliver different types of waste in Stavanger.

12 piktogrammer for ulike typer avfall.