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  3. If Stavanger succeeds, Norway succeeds

If Stavanger succeeds, Norway will succeed

50 years in the oil industry has provided the Stavanger region with completely unique knowledge which is the key to a green switch. We must take advantage of this knowledge and technology.
Published : 30.03.2022

The need for a switch has been brought to the fore during the 2014-2015 oil crisis. This was something that the companies in the region tackled hands-on.

Our region keeps hitting records. Whether it is related to founding new companies, a record we hit in 2021, despite a severe pandemic. Or, if we are talking about the clusters in the region, where a total of three clusters (Norwegian Offshore Wind Cluster, Stiim Aqua Cluster, and Norwegian Energy Solutions) have been ensured the Arena pro-status in 2021, which means inclusion into a programme arranged by the company Innovasjon Norge (Innovation Norway), which gives clusters a position, influence, access to resources, and provides them with knowledge and networks. This is a level that only the most professional and competent clusters achieve.

⚡ From oil capital to energy capital


Stavanger is the oil capital that is developing to become the energy capital. This is happening alongside the big international driving forces, where renewable energy is an important and future-oriented investment.

Since 2015, Stavanger has developed an environment and a solid ecosystem for new companies and ideas. We have large work communities, entrepreneur programmes, and venture capital equities, which are all important factors when facilitating the switch that are now well underway.

– This is a key factor for the green switch and the energy transition we will go through. If Stavanger succeeds in this switch, Norway will succeed, says the industry executive in Stavanger municipality, Anne Woie.

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