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  1. Home
  2. Waste and Environment
  3. Waste sorting in Stavanger
  4. Food waste

Food waste


  • Food waste should be thrown in the brown bin.
  • All waste in this bin must be placed in transparent plastic food waste bags that are tied shut.
  • You can also dispose of filled dog waste bags in this bin.
  • Garden waste has its own bin with a green lid.
Matavfall i pose  for slikt avfall.

Matavfall sorterer du i poser som du bestiller eller henter gratis hos kommunen.

What do you sort as food waste?

  • Leftovers from meals, eggshells, coffee grounds, fruit stones, small meat bones, fat, and cooking oil.
  • IVAR, which processes waste from the municipalities, provides a more detailed list of what should and should not go into the brown bin for food waste (page is in Norwegian).
  • You must place the food waste in a dedicated bag before putting it in the brown bin. Click here if you need food waste bags (page is in Norwegian).

Food that has passed its expiration date may still be safe to eat. Look, smell, and taste before throwing it away.

Check out Restevenn or the Brukopp lexicon for tips on how to use up your food leftovers (pages are in Norwegian).

Cooking oil and food fat

Do not pour cooking oil and fat down the sink or toilet. It clogs pipes and attracts rats.

Allow cooking fat to cool after cooking before collecting it in the food waste bag. Some people freeze the fat—for example, fat from pork ribs or lamb—and use the stock in soups, sauces, and stews (page is in Norwegian).

Liquid oil and fat should be poured into a sealed container and placed in the red bin for hazardous waste. Label the container with its contents. You can order collection for the red bin at hentavfall.no (page is in Norwegian).

Do you need food waste bags?

Food waste must be placed in dedicated bags, which are available for free from the municipality.

Pick up bags yourself

Here’s where you can pick up rolls of food waste bags:

Order bags online

You can order food waste bags here (page is in Norwegian), and they will be delivered to your home. Unfortunately, residents on islands with ferry connections cannot order bags online and must collect them themselves.

Bags for housing cooperatives and condominiums

Bags for kindergartens and schools

Kindergartens and schools needing more food waste bags must contact their waste management company.

When food waste freezes to the bin

During freezing temperatures, moist waste may stick to the bin when it’s emptied. To reduce the chances of this happening, you can place a newspaper at the bottom of the bin and avoid wet waste touching the sides.

What happens to the food waste you sort?

The food waste in the brown bin is sent to IVAR’s biogas plant at Grødaland, where it is turned into biogas. The food waste bags are separated and sent for recycling at Forus.

Do you want to compost food waste yourself?

How can you compost food waste properly? How can you reduce your waste collection fees? Read more about home composting in Stavanger (page is in Norwegian).

Sorting other types of waste?

Go to the overview of how to sort and deliver different types of waste in Stavanger.

12 piktogrammer for ulike typer avfall.