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Information about corona virus


  • The Norwegian Government has removed all regulatory measures against Covid-19, including the requirement to wear a face covering, keep a 1-metre distance, and the duty to go into isolation when people are sick. 
  • Cover your coughs/sneezes and wash your hands.
  • If you have symptoms of covid 19, stay home if you feel unwell. Stay at home until you are well.
  • Get the vaccine!

Information in other languages

Vaccine against coronavirus

Taking the Covid vaccine is the best way to stop the pandemic. The vaccines are safe and provide good protection.

More on vaccination: Visit this page and change the language in the top menu to translate the content.

How many Covid-19 cases are there in Stavanger?

This page lists current confirmed cases (in Norwegian only).

Rules and recommendations

The Norwegian Government has removed all regulatory measures against Covid-19, including the requirement to wear a face covering, keep a 1-metre distance, and the duty to go into isolation when people are sick. 

These are the current recommendations

How do I order a corona test?

It is no longer recommended to take a test if you have symptoms of covid-19. Should you wish to take a quick test all the same, please buy the CE marked quick test at a pharmacy /shop, or get one at the municipality's distribution points.

Where does the municipality hand out quick tests? Visit this page and change the language in the top menu to translate the content.

If your test result comes back negative (no coronavirus detected) or positive. If you have newly arisen respiratory tract symptoms or feel unwell, you should stay at home until you are well.

More on covid-19: Visit this page and change the language in the top menu to translate the content.

Children are recommended to stay home if they are sick. They can return to kindergarten or school once they have been fever-free for 24 hours.

Please contact your doctor if you are concerned about your health or that of your child. If you are a tourist/visiter and don`t have a GP or need urgent care, please contact the Emergency Room, 116 117.

Do I need to take a PCR-test?

A confirmatory test taken at a test centre is recommended for the following persons:

  • Anyone who has not had a booster dose (vaccine dose 3)
  • Anyone who has received two doses of the vaccine plus had a coronavirus infection more than 3 months ago.
  • Children under 16 years of age. 

If you are a Norwegian citizen, with a Norwegian birth and social security number, you can book a PCR-test online at helsenorge.no via ID-porten, othervise call 51 91 40 30 kl. 10–14 Monday- Friday, 12 - 14 Saturday and Sunday).

The test centre is located at Haugsåsstubben 9, Åsen.

How do I get the test result from the PCR-test?

Your coronavirus test results will be made available to you at helsenorge.no as soon as your sample is analysed and reported (typically one to two days after your sample was taken).

If you are unable to log on to helsenorge.no you will only be contacted if your test comes back positive. Some laboratories may provide alternative solutions other than helsenorge.no for presenting your test result, in which case you will be informed about the routines.

Health information phone

If you have questions about the new corona virus and cannot find answers on FHI's website, you can call the Directorate of Health's information phone 815 55 00.

Are you visiting Stavanger?

If you feel ill/have Covid-19 symptoms and need a medical examination, please call 116 117 (the Emergency Room). It is important that you call first and don`t just show up in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease are respiratory infection (fever, cough, chest pain or difficulty breathing).